Faculty Knowledge Sharing Programme

12th August, 2017

IBS, Kolkata, in colaboration with Salesian College, Siliguri Campus, organised a one day Faculty Development Programme on August 12, 2017 for the faculty of Siliguri campus. Mr. Avishek Kundu, RM, IBS Kolkata, Mr. Bhupal Chettri, Assistant Manager, IBS Siliguri and Dr. Pallabi Ghosh, Faculty, IBS Kolkata and resource person for the day, were present for the event. The programme began at 11:00 am in the AV Hall, with a short prayer by Fr. George, Vice Principal, Salesian College, Siliguri Campus. The resource person, Dr. Pallabi Ghosh, was introduces to the participants by Mr. Anirban Ghosh, Faculty, Salesian College, Siliguri Campus. The topic of discussion for knowledge sharing amongst the faculty was Research Methodology. The morning session was made interactive by Dr. Pallabi Ghosh through group activity. At 1:15 pm there was lunch break, post which the programme began at 2:20 pm. The second half of the programme was filled with query and sharing of ideas. The event ended at 4:45 pm with the vote of thanks give by Mr. Peter Lepcha, Faculty, Salesian College, along with handing over of the college journal and the college magazine to Dr. Pallabi Ghosh.

Report by:
Anirban Ghosh
Assistant Professor
Department of Management